torsdag 23 februari 2012

Day 6: Still in Yun-Lin County

Besides the fact that this morning Goran also feels sick with his stomach, the day started very light. The Sun had come out, and it was around 21 degree at 10 a.m. The first place we were taken to was the biggest vegetable market in Taiwan – a place where many of us get vegetables  for our kitchen.  The vegetables looked amazing – big, colorful, healthy. Unfortunately, the air pollution is very strong here, and we wonder what else the veggies go through before they arrive on our tables in Europe…

The next stop was the Traditional Taiwanese Puppet Theatre show that was specially organized for us. In a small village people preserve local traditions in spite of the commercialized Puppet Shows in other parts of Taiwan. Everybody from the team also got a possibilty to „play” with puppets, and afterwards we went on a small bicycle tour through the small oldish town.

Unfortunately in the middle of the day Goran and Markus took off and returned home to rest their exhausted bodies. However 3 brave Latvians continued their way together with another bunch of Rotarians. We visited the Towel factory, then continued to Yun-Lin Puppet Museum, Yun-Lin Story House in Japanese style and ended up at home before taken to dinner…

At the late evening Endy took 3 Latvians to a street market. Shops work from 10.a.m till 10.p.m. as many Taiwnese end their working day around 9.p.m.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hello!
    I'm Chun Yu.
    Here are the recordings I've taken while you were performing with the puppets.

    Hope Goran and Marku would recover soon!
