tisdag 21 februari 2012

Day 5: Still in Yun- Lin County

A lot of fun, some sickness and a joyful company today.

As soon as we mentaly got used to the idea that socializing in Taiwan mainly happens at the Round table, we all were taken to the Western caffee for brakfast, and afterwards we got a possibility to chose what we want to eat for launch at the beautiful park in hills with Asian pink cherry trees around. Saving their space in a body, girls did not eat more than  a bit of salads and waffels with icecream , however the taugh boys were ready to continue diving into Taiwanese goods.

Every day we are amazingly hosted by different Rotary clubs and their members. But today we also got a great company – beautiful Taiwanese girls, Jean and Michel among them – and Sofia – a Hungarian exchange student from a Rotary programme for highschool students. A lot of laughing, jokes and new information mixed with vocational visits at Linnei Township Agricultural Irrigation System Museum that seemed to be open specially for us, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology where we met the only one Western student, and gues what, it was Aleksandrs from Riga!
Taiwanese are unbelievably friendly, and after our wish, we got to visit an eco friendly fancy house with its owner presenting the architectural concept, as well as a lovely tea shop, where we were served a little tea ceremony. And of course, presents, Rotary flag and visit card exchange is a very important and highly appreciated ritual everywhere we go.

Although the sun is promissed to come out  of clouds in a week, the weather was warm and the rain and fog today seemed even romantic. What was not romantic, was Markus getting sick and skipping the last Round Table as well as Goran and Janis visit to a Methew’s home party. Hopefull he continues the  Taiwanese socializing – eating trip tomorrow!

Have a good night, Europe!

P.S. A special fact – in Taiwan the members of Rotary use nicknames that arise from their proffesions, we got inspired from some of them – Mr. Apple, Mr. Brain, Mr. Color, Mr. Lawyer, Mr. Surgent, Mr. Noodle – and we might make a competition for our Team leader – Mr. Goran Fransson – to get a nice nickename that he could use back in Sweden. Any suggestions?

2 kommentarer:

  1. It is good to realise all the cultural differences again, while reading about your days in Taiwan (:
    and also, now I'm curious what will be the next surprising experience. Nice blog, I really like the pictures.
    I hope you will enjoy the rest of the trip as well!


  2. It's always good to hear different opinions about Taiwan from foreigners. I really enjoy reading the blog. The pictures are also lovely.
    Please take good care of youselves. I hope you have already recovered from the illness.
    Enjoy the rest of your month in Taiwan.

