måndag 19 mars 2012

Last Post

20th of March, Tuesday. 6.55 a.m. Finnish time.

After spending 11 hours on flight from Hong Kong The Team has just arrived at Helsinki Airport. We spent an exiting weekend in Hong Kong and are now ready to dissolve the team. Goran and Markus are going to Norrkoping and Dana, Anna and Janis will fly to Riga in a couple of hours.

We want to thank Rotary International, our sponsoring clubs in Sweden and Latvia, Ms.Delphine Chen, Mr. Ti-Lin Kuo, Taiwanese outgoing GSE team, all our Taiwanese friends and last but certainly not least all the hosting clubs in Taiwan for their warm hospitality that made our trip an unforgettable experience. 

We would also like to thank all our blog viewers for supporting and interacting with us. We are pleased to see that we have had more than 2300 views of our blog during the last month.

Thank you all!

Have a wonderful Spring all around the globe!
With Kind Regards,
Dana, Markus, Anna, Janis, Goran

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