måndag 5 mars 2012

Day 16: District Conference

Saturday, 3rd of March. The first day of the district conference. The day was warm and sunny. Around +27 C. Felt  like everybody know  us, we were warmly greeted and it was nice. We spend the day at the conference with our friends – the outbound team, Delphine, young students, our past and future hosts. In the evening it was time for us to perform and we presented our district with an interactive performance. On the first half Dana sang a traditional Latvian folk song inviting audience to participate and support with a drone tone „eeee”. The second half was more contemporary – we asked the audience to support us with a rhytm made by clapping hands and feets, and then started an Ice Hockey Fan Song composition that we made combining by Latvian and Swedish hockey fan’s shouting. The audience was supportive and we hope they experienced a bit of European fresh spirit. 

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